Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Photographing Kids in Action

First off, I am not a professional photographer, nor am I great at taking pictures, but I do LOVE a good photograph.  That being said, I feel it's hard to get great pictures of my kids.  The next few weeks, I'm going to focus on different angles/settings to get pictures of children.
This week, I wanted to get some pictures of my older boys playing basketball outside, but I've never been able to get a great action shot.  So, I was determined to this time and here's what I did....most important lesson is get at their level!  I often want to stand and take pictures, but I realized that it wasn't a great angle for shooting the photos.  Second was to take LOTS of pictures!  Since I have a digital camera I knew I could just delete that bad or blurry pictures.  Here's two great photos I got using my two strategies:

So don't be afraid to take some action shots this week!  Hope you have a fabulous day!


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