Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ten Years Ago...

 Ten years ago, this week, we traveled from Las Vegas up to Provo Utah to spend Thanksgiving with my inlaws.  I had a 4 1/2 year old boy, a 2 1/2 year old boy and a sweet 6 month old baby girl!  My husband was in his first semester of law school, we had sold our home and moved into a small apartment so we could afford school.  The day after Thanksgiving, my brother in law was married and we were all there to celebrate! It was a wonderful weekend!

As I look back at that day, I remember all the good things.  I remember being together and cousins playing and lots and lots of love.  I don't really remember all the little stressors of the day: family being late for dinner, bridesmaids dresses needing to be finished in the middle of the night, perhaps fighting between cousins!  I wish, I would have known then that all the small petty things, that seemed big, really wouldn't have been big when looked back on-years later.  My wonderful sister in law had traveled in from Florida to have dinner with us, and it was so great to see her!  That was the last  Thanksgiving we have spent with her-until this year!  A few months ago, she and her husband and their two sweet boys moved from Florida to Utah and will be in attendance at our dinner this week!  It's amazing how fast the time has gone and yet how long ago it seems--all at the same time!  I can't wait for Thursday!  My sweet six month old is now the sweet 10 year old cousin who loves holding the babies and helping out everyone.  My 4 1/2 year old is now almost a foot taller than me, speaks with a deep voice and is so much fun to hang out with.  My 2 1/2 year has grown into an amazing young man with a big heart!  At 12, he's still trying to find himself, but he is so much fun to be around!  I've doubled the brood-in 10 years, but don't plan on doing that in the next ten years (unless it is with a grandbaby or two!)

I guess what I wish I had known about gratitude 10 years ago, is just to have had more!  If only I had known how precious each memory would be, maybe I would have cherished those moments!  Either way, I hope to cherish today so that 10 years from now, I will have no regrets-just lots of happy memories!

Here is today's template:

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Today's Prompt:  what do I know today about gratitude that I wish I had known 10 years ago?


snickels said...

Isn't that the truth! Thanks for the template and the reminder to enjoy the moment and not stress about the little mishaps. Enjoy your time with your family this week.

Leanne said...

I think what I've learned about gratitude over the past few decades is that when you are grateful for what you have in your life, you take better care of what you have. The younger generation seeks more instead of being happy (or at the very least, content) with what their lives provide. I've also learned to be more grateful for the people in my life, daily life is no guarantee that they will be here tomorrow.

Thank you for all these wonderful templates you create for us!

NanaScraps said...

thanks you for another great template and I love reading your blog